Who We Are

Patti Becker, Senior Living Advisors

Senior Living Advisors is owned and operated by Patti Ann Becker. Patti is a Native of Tucson, Arizona. She attended Pima Medical Institute in 1981 and, thereafter, Pima Community College. She has 30 years of healthcare experience working in the medical field in a multitude of capacities. This includes Medical Administrative, Social Services, Senior Services, Medical Practice Liaison, Home Health Educator, Hospital Unit Coordinator and Hospice Coordinator. She has worked directly with Home Health Agencies, Elder Law Attorneys, Hospitals, Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Discharge Planners, Skilled Nursing Facilities and Hospice.

For 12 years Patti owned and operated a medical transcription company, providing medical record patient documentation to many local physician practices.

In 2005 Patti launched her first successful Senior Placement Agency, but in 2015 a career change and move to another State took her away from Tucson and her Senior Placement business. A few years later, missing her family, friends and her work with Seniors, she made the decision to return to Tucson.

It was only natural, after returning home, that she would again be called to assist the Seniors in her community. Indeed, Senior Living Advisors was established and she re-dedicated herself to her REAL PASSION that of helping people-in-need with the difficult task of finding a new “Home”. A home that has help-on-demand, a home that is comfortable and provides good care, nutritious meals and where new friends are found!

With over a decade of experience, personally and professionally assisting and placing a multitude of satisfied customers, Patti feels a great sense of satisfaction in the work she does… consulting with families to solve the difficult problem of locating the “right” home for each unique and special client. Her keen ability to find ideal matches available for her clients is what drives her and what sets her apart from the rest! Patti makes her clients feel special, because they are, and because they deserve it!